Saturday, January 21, 2006

biathalon training

one rule i have: if someone offers to run or bike with you, don't turn them down! you never know when you might get another chance. our first adventure involved kayaking down the river. we headed out against the current, and found a new canal to explore. while i'm always worried about snakes, i wasn't worried about the baby gator that was sunning on the riverbank. good thing i didn't see him at first, i'm not sure i would have enjoyed the afternoon as much. thankfully i wasn't informed about the gator until after we left the canal! sometimes its ok to keep a secret. after the kayak ride, we rode the bikes a few miles to the sandwich shop. i'm getting used to clipping out of the pedals, but its still difficult. the biggest issue now is that i love riding my bike, and i want to be able to ride offroad. so....what else did i do but headed back to the bike store and bought 2 new mtb's! we pick them up tomorrow, i can't wait! i'll be breaking my arm soon enough.

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