Friday, November 04, 2005

leave the ipod at home

i headed to michigan this weekend for some much needed time with old friends. after a stressful day of work, i was invited on a run with my dad- the cool temperature and sound of the freshly fallen leaves underfoot was all i needed to feel energized. the area where we ran was very quiet and peaceful. for the first time in quite a while i did not bring my ipod, which offered a new focus on myself. instead of drifting off into a music-induced daydream, i found myself counting my breaths, listening to the sound of my steps, and enjoying the peaceful environment. i highly recommend it! while the actual run itself was quite difficult- with many uphill climbs and offroad trails, the experience was extremely soothing. how can something that makes you sweat, hurt, and gasp for air make you feel so good? one of life's many mysteries.

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